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6 Open Enrollment Considerations You Should Keep in Mind | PA Benefit Advisors

What better way to kick off our holiday-season stress than with talk of deductibles, coinsurance and high premiums? Welcome to open enrollment, where employees can re-evaluate their health care options each November. It’s a prime opportunity to secure better benefits and maximize savings; yet open enrollment is often underutilized. “Although it can be one of … Continued

Attention Employers: New Form I-9 Released | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

On November 14, 2016, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a revised version of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification (version 11/14/2016). All employers are required to complete and retain a Form I-9 for each employee to verify his or her employment authorization and identity. Employers should begin using the new Form I-9 immediately. However, employers may … Continued

4 Easy Ways to Step Up Your Employee Wellness Program| PA Employee Benefits

Employee Wellness Programs are a key factor in employee engagement and overall company success in today’s business world. Wellness programs are consistently evolving and changing as employee demands shift. Companies are constantly looking for new ways to engage and encourage their employees, preferably at a lower cost. Below are some effective and cost-efficient ways to … Continued

EEOC follows through: Comp data will be required in EEO-1 reports | PA Benefit Adivsors

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission announced yesterday that it will require employers with 100 or more employees to include compensation data in their annual EEO-1 reports. Employers will be required to provide this information regardless of whether they are federal contractors, as long as they meet the 100-employee threshold. The EEO-1 reporting deadline for 2016 – which … Continued

Finally, a New I-9 | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

Since the current version of the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, expired on March 31, 2016, employers have been awaiting a new, updated form. On August 25, 2016, the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved a revised Form I-9. Consequently, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has 90 days to update the form … Continued

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