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Small Business Insights: How to Avoid Insurance Gaps | Pennsylvania Benefits Agency

How to Avoid Insurance Gaps Small businesses in all industries face numerous risks that can lead to significant financial losses. To mitigate these exposures, businesses secure insurance. Many considerations go into building an insurance portfolio; business leaders must be mindful of policy specifics, such as limits and exclusions. Failure to adequately address a business’s insurance … Continued

Benefits Breakdown October 2024 | PA Employee Benefits Consultants

Employers Project 8% Increase in Health Care Costs in 2025 A recent survey of employers by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) revealed that U.S. employers estimate a median 8% increase in health care costs for 2025. Catastrophic health claims and rising specialty prescription drug prices are driving the projected increase. According to … Continued

Benefits 101: What Is a FSA? | Pennsylvania Benefits Team

When it comes to health insurance, there is a lot of jargon and plenty of acronyms. Many people have heard of FSAs, but may not actually know — what is a flexible spending account, exactly? If you have an employer-sponsored health plan, a flexible spending account (FSA) is often available as part of the benefits … Continued

Cyber Liability: The Value of Cyber Insurance | PA Benefits Consultants

As cyberattacks become more frequent and costly, it’s crucial for organizations to maximize their financial protection against related losses by purchasing sufficient insurance. Cyber coverage, also known as cyber liability insurance, can help organizations pay for a range of expenses that may result from cyber incidents—including (but not limited to) data breaches, ransomware attacks and … Continued

Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Rebates: A Timely Reminder | Pennsylvania Benefits Partners

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) to ensure that health insurance companies spend a significant portion of premiums on medical care and quality improvement activities rather than administrative costs and profits. When insurers fail to meet the MLR threshold, they are required to issue rebates to plan sponsors. Understanding MLR … Continued

Open Enrollment: Your Annual Check-Up for Benefits | PA Benefits Advisors

Navigating health insurance can feel like planning a vacation. You wouldn’t pack for a beach trip if you’re headed to the mountains, right? Similarly, choosing a health plan requires careful consideration. Open enrollment is your chance to design a plan tailored to you; it is your yearly opportunity to review and adjust your employee benefits … Continued

The Value of Commercial Umbrella Insurance | Pennsylvania Benefits Team

In today’s increasingly litigious environment, lawsuits stemming from liability incidents have surged in frequency and severity, leaving many organizations with substantial losses. Due to the complex nature of these losses, they could potentially surpass organizations’ primary liability coverage limits, which refer to the maximum amount that an insurer will pay toward a claim. In these … Continued

Empowering Gen Z: Building a Competitive Benefits Package | PA Employee Benefits Advisors

Get ready for a new wave of talent! Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012), or Zoomers, is the youngest generation entering the workforce, and they’re bringing fresh perspectives and priorities. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z isn’t just punching a clock. They crave opportunities for personal and professional growth, a workplace that prioritizes mental well-being, … Continued

Benefits Breakdown September 2025 | PA Benefits Advisors

Early Preparation Is Crucial for 2025 Open Enrollment With the 2025 open enrollment season around the corner, employers have an opportunity to develop attractive benefits offerings and proactively communicate with employees to win them over. Early preparation can help show employees they are valued, convince top performers seeking job changes to stay in their current … Continued

Benefits Buzz August 2024 | Pennsylvania Benefits Consultants

5th Circuit Requires Health Plans to Continue Providing Free Preventive Care The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that a key component of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) preventive care mandate is unconstitutional. However, in a decision it referred to as a “mixed bag,” the 5th Circuit limited its ruling to the plaintiffs … Continued

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