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Federal Employment Law Update – January 2017 | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

FAQs About Affordable Care Act Implementation Part 35 On December 20, 2016, the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) issued frequently asked questions (FAQs) addressing special enrollment for group health plans, coverage of preventive services under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangements. The FAQs were prepared jointly by the Department … Continued

Pennsylvania Employment Law Update – November 2016 | PA Employee Benefits

Use of Payroll Cards On November 4, 2016, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed legislation (S.B. 1265) governing the use of payroll cards by employers for payment of wages. Pursuant to the bill, when an employer pays wages by payroll card, the employer must provide employees with a written or electronic statement of earnings and deductions … Continued

3 Life Insurance Myths That Could Hurt Young Families| PA Employee Benefits

When you’re just starting out, it often seems that a dollar never stretches far enough. And with new commitments, such as buying your first home or having children, comes the responsibility to make sure your loved ones will be provided for financially, no matter what life may bring. If you were to die unexpectedly, life … Continued

4 Easy Ways to Step Up Your Employee Wellness Program| PA Employee Benefits

Employee Wellness Programs are a key factor in employee engagement and overall company success in today’s business world. Wellness programs are consistently evolving and changing as employee demands shift. Companies are constantly looking for new ways to engage and encourage their employees, preferably at a lower cost. Below are some effective and cost-efficient ways to … Continued

Ask the Experts: EEO-1 Filing | PA Employee Benefits

Question: What is the EEO-1 report, which companies need to file it, and where do we get the data for the report? Answer: The EEO-1 report is a compliance survey mandated by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. All employers with 15 or more employees are covered by Title VII and are required to … Continued

How to Implement a Workplace Fitness Program | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

Implementing a workplace fitness program at the office can help your company’s bottom line. A study by The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, with results published in a 2008 issue of the “Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine,” found that employees who engaged in workplace wellness programs saved $176 to $182 on health … Continued

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