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Wearable Technology | PA Employee Benefit Advisors

Don’t lie–we ALL love gadgets. From the obscure (but hilariously reviewed on Amazon) Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer to the latest iteration of the Apple empire. Gadgets and technology can make our lives easier, make processes faster, and even help us get healthier. Businesses are now using the popularity of wearable technology to encourage employee wellness … Continued

Discount Drug Programs | PA Employee Benefits Firm

Did you know that you can save time and money on your prescription drugs by simply signing up for a discount card online? With savings as much as 80% off, these discount cards keep your health care costs down even when the prices of prescriptions are sharply rising.  At no cost to the patient, discount … Continued

Disability Insurance and why you need it! | Duncansville Benefit Brokers

“Your most valued asset isn’t your house, car, or retirement account. It’s the ability to make a living.” No one foresees needing disability benefits.  But, should a problem arise, the educated and informed employee can plan for the future by purchasing disability insurance to help cover expenses when needed. When you ask people what is … Continued

Federal Employment Law Update – March 2018 | PA Employee Benefit Brokers

EEO-1 Reporting and Employees Who Regularly Report to Client Sites The portal for 2017 EEO-1 reporting is open and reports must be submitted and certified by March 31, 2018 at the latest. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has addressed the issue that there may be some confusion as to how employers are to … Continued

6 Ways to Keep the Flu from Sidelining Your Workplace | PA Benefit Brokers

This year’s flu season is a rough one. Although the predominant strains of this year’s influenza viruses were represented in the vaccine, they mutated, which decreased the effectiveness of the immunization. The flu then spread widely and quickly, and in addition, the symptoms were severe and deadly. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Continued

Benefits of an Annual Exam | PA Benefit Consultants

Have you ever heard the proverb “Knowledge is power?” It means that knowledge is more powerful than just physical strength and with knowledge people can produce powerful results. This applies to your annual medical physical as well! The #1 goal of your annual exam is to GAIN KNOWLEDGE. Annual exams offer you and your doctor … Continued

Securities offered through Registered Representatives of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a broker-dealer, member FINRA / SIPC, to residents of: DC, FL, MD, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TX, CA, CO, GA, and OK. Advisory services through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Webber Advisors and the Leavitt Group are not affiliated with Cambridge. Fixed insurance and benefit services are not offered through Cambridge.

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