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6 Ways to Keep the Flu from Sidelining Your Workplace | PA Benefit Brokers

This year’s flu season is a rough one. Although the predominant strains of this year’s influenza viruses were represented in the vaccine, they mutated, which decreased the effectiveness of the immunization. The flu then spread widely and quickly, and in addition, the symptoms were severe and deadly. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Continued

Benefits of an Annual Exam | PA Benefit Consultants

Have you ever heard the proverb “Knowledge is power?” It means that knowledge is more powerful than just physical strength and with knowledge people can produce powerful results. This applies to your annual medical physical as well! The #1 goal of your annual exam is to GAIN KNOWLEDGE. Annual exams offer you and your doctor … Continued

CMS Disclosure Requirement for Employer Health Plans | PA Benefit Advisors

Do you offer health coverage to your employees? Does your group health plan cover outpatient prescription drugs? If so, federal law requires you to complete an online disclosure form every year with information about your plan’s drug coverage. You have 60 days from the start of your health plan year to complete the form. For … Continued

Benefits Easy: Intro to Self-Funding | PA Benefit Consultants

As the first month of 2018 wraps up, companies have already begun the arduous task of submitting budgets and finding ways to cut costs for the new year. One of the most effective ways to combat increasing health care costs for companies is to move to a Self-Funded insurance plan. By paying for claims out-of-pocket … Continued

The Importance of Therapeutic Communication in Healthcare | PA Benefit Advisors

The quality of a therapeutic relationship depends on the ability of the healthcare provider to communicate effectively. The term “therapeutic communication” is often used in the field of nursing; however, the process isn’t limited to nursing. Other healthcare professionals, friends and family members of a patient can implement the strategies of communicating in a therapeutic … Continued

What Are Some Pros & Cons of HIPAA? | PA Benefit Advisors

Congress approved the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to guard the privacy of personal medical information, and to give individuals the right to keep their health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions in place even if they change jobs. The law has done this, providing important safeguards for patients. But it has also increased … Continued

Benefits of Secondary Health Insurance | PA Benefit Advisors

Secondary health insurance is a type of policy that is used to cover medical expenses that have not been covered by your primary insurance plan. Typically, a person will have secondary medical insurance by being covered as a dependent under another family member’s plan. Secondary health insurance is usually optional and can provide several benefits … Continued

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