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CBD: Fact or Fiction? | PA Employee Benefits Agency

The cannabidiol (CBD) market in the United States has taken off like a rocket. Some projections have this market reaching $16 billion by 2025. After years of singing its praises for treating, albeit illegally, a myriad of health issues, supporters of cannabis have seen an uptick of mainstream support in the last 2 years with … Continued

The Cause of Disengagement | Pennsylvania Benefits Team

For decades, employee engagement has been the gold standard in measuring the way employees interact with the business.  In today’s world, especially where the coronavirus is concerned, it’s not just about the interaction but also the level of commitment to the company.  While all human resources professionals would like to believe their employees are committed … Continued

Stop. Stay Home. Start Something | PA Benefits Consultants

We are seeing so many changes to our work, personal, and social life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While these changes can seem daunting and the obstacles they create insurmountable, this can be a time of healthy change. There is always the chance for good to happen when you stop, stay home, and start something. … Continued

Remote Work Challenges for HR | Pennsylvania Benefits Agents

It’s been said the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has created the largest remote work experiment ever devised.  In fact, there are many recently documented cases where companies have asked at least some of their employees to work from home.  Three of those companies are Amazon, Twitter and Microsoft.  Remote work, of course, is not something … Continued

Employee Burnout in 2020 | PA Benefits Partners

For a long time, employee burnout has been dismissed. In some instances, it’s been written off as employee laziness or simply an employee being contrary. That, however, is no longer the case. In 2020, HR professionals are going to have to deal with it as a realized syndrome and one that is becoming more prevalent … Continued

No Gym Required for These (Financial) Fitness Tips | PA Benefits Consultants

If you’re like me, your social-media feeds are jammed with headlines about getting “healthy and fit” in the new year. Of course, they’re referring to diet and exercise and common resolutions to drop pounds and work out more often. But it’s just as important to be concerned about your financial fitness—where you can also drop … Continued

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