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Know Your Insurance: 8 Common Car Insurance Myths | PA Employee Benefits Team

Auto insurance can be complex and difficult to understand. With all the information available to policyholders, it can be challenging to decipher the facts from myths. Knowing what’s covered under your auto policy and the factors that determine your premium is crucial. What’s more, not understanding your coverage may lead you to believe you’re covered … Continued

Cyber Attacks: A Growing Business Interruption Threat| Pennsylvania Benefits Team

When you think about what usually causes a business interruption, natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes and floods probably come to mind first. These events can physically damage your property and equipment, making your workspace unusable for a time. The damages from Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy are great examples of how a natural disaster … Continued

Know Your Insurance: What Are Coverage Exclusions? | PA Employee Benefits Advisors

What Are Coverage Exclusions? Insurance policies are very commonplace. Chances are most people you know have at least a homeowners or auto insurance policy—many have both. Beyond these, other popular offerings include life insurance, dental insurance and health insurance. Insurance is designed to help pay for losses you experience. For example, homeowners insurance may help … Continued

Know Your Insurance: Auto | Pennsylvania Benefits Agency

 6 Types of Auto Insurance Coverage If someone were to ask you what was covered under your auto insurance policy, would you be able to tell them? Like most of us, you would probably have a hard time confidently answering that question. Interpreting the various types of coverage offered under your auto insurance policy can … Continued

Know Your Insurance: Insuring Your Personal Property | Pennsylvania Benefits Agents

Insuring Your Personal Property When it comes to money matters, no one likes to be surprised by the feeling that they’ve been shortchanged. That’s why it’s important that you understand how your insurance policy responds to potential personal property losses. When insuring your personal possessions on your homeowners or renters insurance policy, you have one … Continued

2024 Workers’ Compensation Insurance Market Outlook | Pennsylvania Benefits Team

Profitable underwriting results have generated favorable conditions across the workers’ compensation insurance segment for nearly a decade. According to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), the segment produced a combined ratio of 87 in 2022, demonstrating continued profitability. These conditions pressed on in 2023, but industry experts reported that reserve redundancies stemming from reduced … Continued

The Basics of Property Insurance | PA Benefits Advisors

Your livelihood is dependent on the survival of your business, so it is imperative that you protect it against any potential threat—big or small. For instance, a fire could destroy your business’s warehouse and the contents inside, or a burst frozen pipe could damage important documents and valuable papers. Worse, you could have trouble paying … Continued

The Impact of Secondary Perils on Property Insurance | Pennsylvania Benefits Agents

Secondary perils, such as severe convective storms, floods, wildfires and hailstorms, have significantly impacted the commercial property market. In fact, according to industry data, secondary perils have consistently accounted for over 50% of insured natural disaster losses in recent years. This article provides more information on secondary perils, including their impact on the property insurance … Continued

Benefits Insights: Home and Auto Insurance | PA Employee Benefits Advisors

If your company offered home and auto insurance as a voluntary benefit, you could provide employees with discounted rates and the ease of payroll deduction to pay premiums. This benefit can be offered with little expense to you while providing great value for your employees. What Are Home and Auto Insurance Benefits? Home and auto … Continued

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