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As Cybercriminals Act More Like Businesses, Insurers Must Think More Like Criminals | PA Employee Benefits Agents

Cybersecurity is no longer an emerging risk but a clear and present one for organizations of all sizes, panelists on a panel at Triple-I’s Joint Industry Forum (JIF) said. This is due in large part to the fact that cybercriminals are increasingly thinking and behaving like businesspeople. “We’ve seen a large increase in ransomware attacks for the … Continued

Millennials Want Better Pay and Benefits, Not Perks | PA Benefits Team

As a Millennial business consultant who helps companies create people-first company cultures, one of the most frequent questions I’m seeing pop up among employers during the pandemic’s labor shortages is: “What perks can my company offer to attract and retain top Millennial talent?” Then, they’re inevitably disappointed when I tell them that perks like nap pods, … Continued

Preparing for Gen Z in the Workplace | Pennsylvania Benefits Agency

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, which includes those who were born between 1997 and 2015, are beginning to enter the workforce. They are expected to make up 30% of the workforce by 2030. HR leaders are making it a priority to relate to these young people to help them harness their strengths, engage … Continued

Benefits for a Multigenerational Workforce | PA Benefits Advisors

If only everyone valued the same things, benefits planning would be a lot easier.  If. Only. However, most employers have five generations of employees active in the workplace who want different things.  With generation gaps spanning more than 75 years, finding a one-size-fits-all benefits package can be challenging.  However, there are certain things to consider … Continued

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